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so perfect 


I used him for my gam jam entry - thank you so much for making this!

Looks good! :D


Hey, I made good use of this!


Heres my work if you are interested to see!

Wow! This is really something, man! Amazing work! I love how you added some spells that fit his theme, and used the fly animation as a dash. 😁

Thank you for the quality asset :)

wow, good job!

Thank you! :D

so perfect 

Thanks, dude! :)


Thank you! :)



very cool

Thanks, man!

cool , cool


Thank you! :)

Spectacular work!

Thanks! :)

cool work, thanx

You're welcome! :)

awesome, thanks!


Chierit is spoiling us :D Amazing work, looks like it would make a sick bossfight.

(1 edit)

Thanks, you all deserve the spoils! A boss fight would look really cool! I might add a cast spell animation some time in the future so he can have a few more boss moves. :)

That would be great! Looking forward to it!

Crazy! good job


Thank you!

good job. i bought all of your great assets. thanks!

Thank you for the continued support, bro! I really appreciate it. :D

10/10 thank you!

Thanks! Have fun with the game asset! :)

I can't believe you're giving it for free, this is good!

Thanks, man! The cosmic god has enforced me to spread his image. :P